The place to show off the antique roses in your landscape. Email photos, stories, before and afters, to: sa.rose.girl (at) gmail (dot) com.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Clotilde Soupert

For those who count roses by their petals, Clotilde Soupert (1890), polyantha.

I didn't even make it our to get them pruned this year because we had snow and cold in February when I usually prune. By the time the weather got nice, they were FULL of buds.

Tammy (Dallas, Texas)

Mid February is our recommendation for pruning the rose shrubs for Central Texas. Might I suggest if the weather is still on the cold side - for your sake as well as the roses - wait until the end of February or the first of March. Yes, they will have buds, but you will have a more compact shrub that will support all the buds that will appear in April and May. The new spring growth will not get nipped by any ice we tend to experience in February.

Taken in my garden on March 26 - very pink from the cold weather.

1 comment: said...

Hola que tan grande es la flor de clotilde soupert?